Art & Design


“Every child is an artist”

Art Rationale

Art in all its forms, is broad and dates back to our earliest civilisations. It reflects societies and narrates history. The arts is one of the world’s  biggest employers and generates trillions of income and revenue to the UK economy,  from fashion, to architects,  to landscape garden designers to art exhibitions and galleries. It is important therefore, that pupils, through a study of past and present artists,  develop an appreciation of the  different genres and mediums.

Cornwall has for generations attracted a variety of artists to the county. It’s beautiful and far- reaching coastlines have  been an inspiration and subject for many . Pupils will encounter the legacy of Barbara Hepworth at her museum in St Ives along with some contrasting modern pieces of art, exhibited at the Tate.


Our main objectives in Art are to develop:

  • An awareness of shape, colour and texture
  • A sense of touch as well as vision
  • Practical and manipulative skills
  • Powers of observation and judgement
  • Emotional response

Where appropriate opportunities to link art with other subjects have been made such as:  the use of pattern and texture used for Mayan sculptures in Year 5, looking at the work of local artist John Dyer in Year 2 in the Celebrating Cornwall unit  Henry Moore shelter drawings in Year 6. Artwork and paintings have been carefully selected to study the skills, techniques and stimulus. Pupils are encouraged to articulate and discuss their response to art using subject specific language.

Skills are planned and developed using a variety of media and materials such as: paint, clay and textiles. Each pupil has their own sketch book which follows them through the school. This provides concreate evidence of their skill development, which they apply to a final piece of work.

Knowledge: Pupils knowledge of art is developed through the study of various artists. These range from modern artists to classical artists such as Picasso and local artists such as John Dyer. Pupils learn about their work, the context and influence.

Art and Design Overview

Small Steps of Progression

Year 1 – Aut 2- Art

Year 1- Summer 1- Art

Year 1- Summer 2- Art

Year 2- Autumn 1- Art

Year 2 – Aut 2- Art

Year 2- Summer 2- Art

Year 3- Autumn 1- Art

Year 3 Art small steps Aut 2

Year 3 – Summer 1- Art

Year 4- Autumn 1- Art

Year 4 – Aut 2- Art

Year 4 – Summer 1- Art

Year 4- Summer 2- Art

Year 5- Autumn 1- Art

Year 5 – Aut 2- Art

Year 5- Summer 2- Art

Year 6 – Aut 2- Art

Year 6 ART small steps Spr 2

Year 6- Summer 2- Art