Year 3


Long Term Plan

Year 3 Long Term Plan




Y3 – Autumn 1 – Surviving the Sahara – Homework Grid

Y3 – Autumn 2- Ancient Egypt -Homework Grid

Y3- Spring 1- London our Capital – Homework grid

Y3 – Summer 1- Fantastic Forests- Homework Grid

Y3 – Summer 2- What did the Romans do for us?- Homework Grid

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers are created by the Subject Leader to ensure a progressive curriculum that  builds on prior learning.  Teachers use them to  plan their lesson. Pupils use them  to check  accurate memory recall.
As a school  we regularly review and will continue to develop our curriculum to meet the needs of our pupils, therefore these Knowledge organisers will change overtime.

Year 3 – Autumn 2- Ancient Egyptians- WINK

Year 3- Spring 1- London Our Capital- WINK

Year 3 -Spring 2- Scavengers and Settlers- WINK

Year 3 -Summer 1- Fantastic Forests- WINK