School Governors

Our school is proud to be part of the Crofty Education Trust, the running of which is overseen by the board of trustees – chaired by Mr Mike Hosking.

The Trust Board is made up of volunteers, mainly people who have been school governors in the past but also including people with specific business or educational skills. They set the strategic direction for the Trust, hold the Trust to account for its outcomes for students and oversee the work of the Executive Officers.

Each school has a Local Governing Body (LGB) who have delegated responsibility for standards and outcomes in that school, its safeguarding and its relationships with external stakeholders, especially parents. The Chairs of LGBs are held to account by the Board for outcomes in those areas.

The LGB will use its detailed knowledge and engagement with stakeholders to ensure that their school is being well served by the executive leadership, and has direct access to the board if there are concerns.

The Local Governing Body of Roskear Primary and Nursery School are all volunteers who give up their time to represent the community and to help shape the direction and aims of the School. Please click on their names below to find out more details about their term of office and responsibilities. For further information regarding the structure of the Crofty Education Trust, including details of trustees and members please use the Crofty Governance tab.

Local governing body (LGB) responsibilities include monitoring:

  • Safeguarding
  • Attendance and exclusions
  • Curriculum (including statutory obligations for Relationships and Sex Education and Religious Education) and pupil outcomes
  • Provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and those entitled to pupil premium funding.
  • Considering the views of staff in relation to professional development and workload
  • Gathering and evaluation the views of parents and carers

If you would like to contact the governors please email

Roskear Local Governance Committee – Membership, Register of Interests, Attendance Updated: February 2025








Emily Lofthouse Parent 11/09/23


None 2/3
Helen Pascoe Community 15/10/22


None 3/3
Kordula Greenwood Parent 08/07/21


Parent 3/3
Samantha Staples  


Staff 13/01/20


Trust Employee 3/3
Jessica Café  


Community 13/02/25


Trust Employee 0/0
Previous members (last 12 months)
Lisette Harvey Chair Community 13/07/22


Family member a Trust employee 5/6(2023/2024)

Miss H Pascoe

Vice Chair of Governors

(Community Governor)

Start of Term of Office: 15/10/2022
End of Term of Office: 15/10/2026

Area of Responsibility:


Pecuniary Interests:

Mrs K Greenwood

(Parent Governor)

Start of term of office: 08/07/21
End of term of office: 08/07/25

Area of Responsibility:
Attendance & exclusions

Pecuniary Interests:
Have children at school

Mrs S Staples

(Teaching Practitioner & Staff Governor)

Start of term of office: 13.01.20
End of term of office: 13.01.28

Area of Responsibility:
Pupil Premium

Committee Membership

Pecuniary Interests:
Employed by school

Mrs E. Lofthouse

(Parent Governor)

Start of term of office: 11/09/23
End of term of office: 10/09/27

Area of Responsibility:
Safeguarding and Children In Care

Pecuniary Interests:
Have children at school
