School Development Plan

SDP 23 24 with MAT SI priorities

Each year, the school conducts a self-review of our performance over the previous 12 months using a wide range of data including assessment results from the children, lesson observations of teachers, evidence gathered through governor visits, talking to children and parents and parental surveys.

This information is then used to guide the focus for on-going improvement to ensure that the school continues to offer the very best education possible for all children. Once these priorities have been determined, they are used to form the basis of the School Development Plan for the next 12 months. Towards the end of the 12 month period this plan is formally reviewed using the evidence gathered, and so the cycle begins again.

If, during the year unexpected areas for development arise due to a change in National focus or an issue is identified within the school, these areas are addressed. However, they may not form part of the formal plan until the following academic year.

By clicking the link above, you can see our current priorities for improvement.