Pupil Involvement

At Roskear School we believe that giving children responsibility for their school gives them a sense of ownership and pride. We also believe that this approach enables children to prepare for life in modern Britain by becoming positive citizens, learning to express themselves positively, learning how to make valuable contributions to a community and how to respect and follow rules and laws.

The responsibilities take on many forms such as, School Prefect, School Council, Sports Leaders, Eco Warriors, Playground Buddies and School Safety Crew. Children who wish to be considered for one of these roles are asked to apply for them by either giving a presentation to the class or completing an application form, depending on the role. We feel that this is essential to help children understand the process of applying for a post, just as they will when they are older and seeking employment or a place at university.

In classes children also have responsibilities such as, Book Monitors, Homework Checkers to name just a few.

At school every child makes a significant contribution to our school by following and modelling to others our Golden Rules. Children are also often given the opportunity to represent the school in music and sporting events.

House Captains

House Captains were voted for by the children in Year 5.Every Friday the house captains have to go around all the classrooms and count how many house points that class has been awarded for that week. Once that have gathered all the house points they will add up how many house points their house has collected and add this onto the running total for that half term. In the Friday assembly the house captains will stand up and announce how many house points their house has collected that week and also give the running total.

The house points and running total for each house will then be published onto the school website.

School Prefects

Year 6 Prefect

In order to be considered for the role of Prefect children need to:

Maintain an excellent academic and behaviour record and lead by example, ensuring the pursuit of academic excellence and orderly behaviourDemonstrate a commitment to the ethos of the school and the Golden Rules. Have high levels of maturity and initiative. Have an excellent record of attendance and punctuality and show that they are enthusiastic and highly motivated.

Personal characteristics

Be positive and enthusiastic, encouraging and motivating fellow children. Be cooperative, helpful, well-mannered, trustworthy, and responsible.

Job Role:

The role of Prefect is an important one and if chosen students will be accepting a position of considerable responsibility. It is also a very exciting one and will give the opportunity to develop leadership skills and have significant influence on the daily life of the school. As such prefects are expected to perform many roles some of which are listed below.

1. Provide a role model to which other children should aspire

2. Meet the highest standards of politeness, courtesy, dress, attendance and punctuality

4. Attend meetings with the Pastoral staff as appropriate

5. Help to lead promotional activities for the school, including charity events.

6. Carry out regular duties at lunch and breaktime as required:

7. Be proactive in assisting the smooth running of the school outside lesson times

8. Greet visitors for daytime meetings in the school

9. To act as a specific supportive role model to allocated classes and assist these classes as needed

Special Privileges

Sit on chairs during assemblies.

Golden shirt

End of year outing

Once a half term buffet lunch with a Learning Mentor and Miss Furnish (Headteacher)

Selection Process

Staff selection

Friendship / Playground Buddy

Friendship Buddy

In order to be considered for the role of Friendship Buddy you need to:

Maintain an excellent academic and behaviour record and lead by example, ensuring the pursuit of academic excellence and orderly behaviourDemonstrate a commitment to the ethos of the school and the Golden Rules. Have high levels of maturity and initiative. Demonstrate being a ‘good friend’ to others.

Personal characteristics

Be kind and thoughtful. Be a good listener. Show patience and compassion.  Be cooperative, helpful, well-mannered, trustworthy, and responsible.

Job Role:

Buddies will be on hand to help pupils who have fallen over, sort out minor playground disagreements fairly, instigate suitable age-appropriate games, encourage shy children to join in or simply keep them company, informing staff when there are problems and setting a good example by caring for others.

  1. Provide a role model to which other children should aspire
  2. Lend a listening ear to offer support
  3. Monitor the Friendship/Buddy bench, offer friendship and help to build friendships through encouraging play
  4. Attend meetings with the Pastoral staff as appropriate 
  5. Carry out regular duties at lunch and breaktime as required
  6. Encourage children to take responsibility
  7. Actively care for and look out for others
  8. Try to ensure that all children are free from loneliness or isolation
  9. Encourage children to form a variety of friendships with both older and younger pupils
  10. Encourage high levels of self-esteem and confidence in all our pupils as valued members of our school community


Special Privileges

Sit on chairs during assemblies

Playground Hat

Once a half term buffet lunch with a Learning Mentor and Mrs Johnson (Assistant Headteacher)


Selection Process

Application and then Headteacher and Learning Mentor selection.

Eco Warriors 
A group of young people who, with the support of an Eco-Coordinator, are responsible for running the Eco-Schools programme in your school community.

Personal characteristics

Be passionate about our planet and saving energy. Be a good listener and value others’ ideas. Show creativity when developing ideas e.g. for how to run the eco schools program and show confidence at presenting and discussing ideas within a group.

Job Role:

  • Attend the Eco-Committee meet at least once every half-term.
  • Help decide which three (out of the ten) topics they want to focus on as a school to achieve Green Flag status.
  • Running and keeping meeting minutes for Eco-Committee meetings, these minutes are displayed on your Eco-Board (physical or digital).
  • Ensure the rest of the school are kept up to date on the progress of their Eco-Schools Work e.g., Hand in Hand

Special Privileges


Job roles e.g. Energy Rangers

Projects during school time e.g. growing projects, litter collection


Selection Process

Class selection

School Council

Personal characteristics

Be trustworthy, responsible and well mannered. Be a good listener and have a good memory for other people’s opinions and ideas. Show creativity when developing ideas e.g. for events and show confidence at presenting and discussing ideas within a group.

Job Role:

Find out the ideas and opinions of everyone in the class, make a note of them and take them to the school council meeting.

Attend school council meetings (at least once every half term).

At the school council meeting they will need to discuss the ideas and decide which ones they could make happen.

Tell their class about what was discussed and get the class to help carry out the ideas.

Help decide how the school can raise money for charitable events and be involved in the organisation of these.

Help to lead promotional activities for the school, including charity events.

Attend some external local events, e.g. the youth conference and help record important information from the event for the school.

Special Privileges


Outings e.g. CRF youth conference

Meetings during class time

Sitting on chairs in assembly

Selection Process

Class selection