Optional Home Enrichment Tasks


As a school we believe that properly designed homework can play a valuable part in a child’s education. Certainly, over a school career, homework can add a substantial amount of study time. We recognise  the fact that the purpose of homework may change as pupils get older and that the needs of the individual pupil should be taken into account.

We believe homework works best when:

  • Children and parent/carers are clear about what they need to do
  • Parents and carers are treated as partners in their child’s learning
  • Tasks are carefully planned in year groups and with structures to support by progression in learning, as part of the school’s curriculum
  • It builds on and helps consolidate learning done in class
  • There is a regular programme so that everyone knows what to expect
  • Homework is achievable  by  all pupils and adaptions are made where necessary
  • There is a consistency in expectation across the school.

Timetable of Homework

The precise amount of time spent on homework is much less important than the quality of the tasks and the way they are planned.
Broad guidelines however, on the amount of time pupils might reasonably be expected to spend on home work are as follows:
English: to include weekly spellings activities and daily reading  for 20-30 minutes
Maths: to include mental (e.g. times tables) and or written up to 30 minutes
Foundation Subjects: Completion of homework grid 20-30 minutes

Homework grid

Pupils have homework grids each half term

Y2 – Summer 1- Homework Grid