Welcome to Roskear Nursery and Crofty Minors Pre-School

Roskear Nursery and Crofty Minors Pre-School is a unique setting for children aged 2-4 years.  Children learn the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, through hands on investigation and are happy, curious and creative. They make friends and are supported by highly qualified staff. Children at Roskear Pre-School and Nursery build strong learning foundations for their life ahead.  

We believe that children deserve the best possible start to their education and provide that by offering a safe, secure and happy environment in which children will feel confident and ready to learn.  At our Pre-School and Nursery, we understand that parents and carers know their children best and we want to build on the learning at home by working together.

We offer Meet and Greet sessions for you and your child where you have the opportunity to spend time with us, times to talk about your child and opportunities to celebrate your child’s successes together.  If your child is offered a place at Roskear Nursery and Crofty Minors Pre-School, we would offer you a home visit to meet your child and for you to meet their key worker. 

For those parents who wish to purchase additional sessions we offer flexible entitlement at the charge of £12 per session when places are available.

Should your child stay with us all day we can provide them with a hot meal at a charge of £2.65 or they may bring a packed lunch from home. An additional charge of £3.00 will be made for the lunchtime care.

Session times

Morning session 8.45-11.45

Afternoon session 12.30-15.30

The doors are open at the start of each session for you to help settle your child and talk to members of staff.

Your child can attend either morning or afternoon sessions, or a combination of both.

To find out more about our setting

Please contact the school office on 01209 714241 or email roskearsecretary@croftymat.org where one of our team will be happy to get back to you.