Joining Crofty Minors Pre-School


At Roskear, we have a purpose built Pre-School room where we love to explore inside and outside. The room is vibrant and engaging, with lots of inviting activities set up daily, in line with the current unit of learning.

We operate two sessions each day, providing places for twenty-four children in each session. Your child can attend either morning or afternoon sessions, or a combination of both. Should your child stay with us all day we can provide them with a hot meal at a charge of £2.65 or they may bring a packed lunch from home. An additional charge of £3.00 will be made for the lunchtime care.

Morning sessions are from 8.45am to 11.45am and afternoon sessions are from 12.30pm to 3.30pm.

A typical day at Pre-School includes free flow of continuous provision, music and movement, circle time and sharing stories. Throughout the day, children are welcome to have healthy snacks, as well as milk and water free of charge.

Medium Term Plans

Pre-school MTP Autumn term 1 2023 – Who am I

Pre-school MTP Autumn 2 2023 – How do we get there

Pre-school MTP Spring term 1 – Where do the animals live

Pre-school MTP Spring term 2 – What is special about our world

Pre-school MTP Summer term 1 – What is your favourite song or story

Pre-school MTP Summer term 2 – Where shall we go


Crofty Minors offers 15 hours of FREE education a week for your child, if they are in receipt of two-year funding. If you are not sure if your child is entitled to this, please use the services below. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our school office and they will be very happy to assist you.

Children can attend Crofty Minors from the term after their second birthday via two different pathways:

  1. Please click on the link below to find out your entitlement.
  2. For those parents who wish to purchase sessions, we offer flexible entitlement at the charge of £12 per session or £27 for the whole day when places are available.

If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch by sending an email to the following email address, or alternatively give us a call on 01209 714214 and ask to speak to Leah in the Pre-School room.