Learning: For a better future

“It is health that is the real wealth; not pieces of gold or silver”



PSHE education is crucial for the pupils at Roskear school. PSHE education helps our  children and young people to achieve their potential by supporting their wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships.

What is PSHE Education?
PSHE Education (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to successfully manage their lives – now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE Education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.
What do schools have to teach in PSHE Education?
According to the National Curriculum, every school needs to have a broad and balanced curriculum that:
• promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school;
• prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life;
• promotes British values.
From September 2020, primary schools in England also need to teach Relationships and Health Education as compulsory subjects and the Department for Education strongly recommends this should also include age-appropriate Sex Education.
Schools also have statutory responsibilities to safeguard their pupils (Keeping Children Safe in Education, DfE, 2019) and to uphold the Equality Act (2010).
The Jigsaw Programme supports all.

For more information on Personal Development at Roskear please click HERE


PSHE and Relationships Education

Teaching and learning in PSHE is via these methods:

  • Discreet PSHE Jigsaw curriculum – timetabled
  • Generic curriculum / school ethos
  • Cross- curricular/ integrated curriculum/ broad and balanced

Jigsaw. A mindful approach to PSHE

Jigsaw aims to help children know and value who they are and how they relate to other people. It teaches children to become aware of their thoughts and feelings throughout the programme, relating this to the PSHE subject matter being studied.

Jigsaw consists of six puzzles (half-term units of work) containing six pieces (lessons). Below is a list of the topics that will be covered each half term.

Autumn 1: Being Me in My World

Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference

Spring 1: Dreams and Goals

Spring 2: Healthy Me

Summer 1: Relationships

Summer 2: Changing Me

Jigsaw raises self-awareness, group awareness, collaboration skills, teamwork experience, respectfulness, etc., preparing children for the wider world and their position in it.

Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. A variety of teaching strategies are used and are mindful of each child’s preferred learning style.

Each Puzzle will start with an introductory assembly, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike.

If your child raises an issue at home that you are not sure how to respond to and you wish to gain further information, please see the class teacher in the first instance for guidance on what was covered in the lesson. Alternatively, you can visit the Jigsaw website

PSHE long Term Plan

Jigsaw PSHE leaflet for parents and carers

British Values overview


Generic curriculum / school ethos

At Roskear we believe that pupils experience many aspects of the PSHE curriculum through day to day activities. We provide a breadth of opportunity for pupils and encourage an environment conducive to positive learning and mutual respect. The pupils develop their understanding of these issues through:

  •  Assemblies
  •  School trips
  •  Extra-curricular activities
  •  Clear classroom and playground rules
  •  Stimulating classroom environment
  •  Clear behaviour policy
  •  School council
  •  Understanding learning behaviours
  •  Philosophical/Critical thinking questions

Protected Characteristics

In September 2020, Ofsted published guidance for schools on teaching the protected characteristics in school, with the explanation that it is important that all children have an understanding of the world they are growing up in, having learned how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people.

The children at Roskear, through Jigsaw PSHE lessons; assemblies and class circle times develop age-appropriate knowledge and understanding of these protected characteristics from EYFS right through to them leaving for secondary school. The younger children in our school are not taught the term ‘Protected Characteristics’ but the understanding of the differences they live alongside is integral to many of their Jigsaw PSHE lessons so the children all learn to show respect for those that share the protected characteristics. In year 6 the term ‘Protected Characteristics’ is used within PSHE lessons.

Respecting difference and diversity is part of many Jigsaw PSHE lessons but has a major focus in these units of learning:

Celebrating Difference’ is the most pertinent of units for teaching about the protected characteristics, as it focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity, such as disability, racism, gender, family composition, friendships, and conflict. Children learn to accept everyone’s right to ‘difference’, and most year groups explore the concept of ‘normal’. Bullying – what it is and what it isn’t, including cyber and homophobic bullying – is an important aspect of this Puzzle.

The ‘Relationships’ Puzzle also has a wide focus, looking at diverse topics such as families, friendships, equality in relationships, and love and loss – all of which can help to deliver the vital messages behind the Equality Act. A vital part of this Puzzle is about safeguarding and keeping children safe; this links to cyber safety and social networking, as well as attraction and assertiveness; children learn how to deal with conflict, their own strengths and self-esteem. They have the chance to explore roles and responsibilities in families and look at stereotypes. All Jigsaw lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet pupils’ needs and can help them understand the wider world.